I’m Tyler Langdon, a wide-format specialist at Eastern Engineering.
Here are a few tips I share with people who are shopping for a new wide-format printer.
Color, Quality, Speed, Service
Get a printer that prints both color and black and white. Many companies still have two printers –one for color and one for black and white. Today, the best option is a wide format printer that prints both. Color is worth it.
High-Quality Prints. Ask to see a demo on all the printers and bring your own files on a USB drive to see how they look. Look at the fine lines and details. Ask about different types of media available.
Speed. Does your staff hit print and leave for a two-hour lunch? Technology in printers has vastly improved you can have a printer that prints as fast as you want and still have amazing print quality.
Make sure the company you buy the printer from offers technical support and service in your area. Being able to talk to a technician about an error code in the middle of an urgent project is invaluable. Beware of companies that offer little or no support or don’t provide in-person service to your location.
Lastly, give Eastern Engineering a call. We sell all the leading brands of wide-format printers we have a full showroom to compare them and a full team of certified service technicians.